Saturday, May 29, 2010

67th Swiftsure Weekend

Today the race sailed past by the front of the property.
Swiftsure is proud to dedicate this year’s race to our Canadian Navy,
in celebration of its 100th Anniversary.
The Swiftsure organizers are pleased to announce
that 180 yachts have registered for the 67th running of the race

Friday, May 28, 2010

NEW gatehouse

the red cedar post & beam work with pergola & zen style cedar roof
now completes the creation of
the upper entrance gatehouse
a slate floor will be the final portion of this project
we await the laser etched slate crest to be completed
for the center "welcoming area" - all about the details -

... to ensure the privacy of our guests on property
we request new arrivals to phone
from the upper phone booth...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


we welcome our guests to become a fan of
Craidelonna Oceanedge
on facebook

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Welcome a new member to the family
(like the pyramids of egypt)

she is a pure breed hypoallergenic blue tabby


then on may 31st -2010 a second feline also joined the household
a pure red sphynX named

(they live in the caretaker's studio)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

work in progress

an artwork masterpiece on the ground
emerges with the continual efforts of Alex Gagnon and his crew
with compass pointing to "the true north strong and free"
the wave patio is a continuation of the amphitheater wave
a tribute to the numerous surfs that help here on property
( no more gravel on ones journey to the large hot tub & sauna..)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ART - Marian White

Introductions to the textured acrylic artworks of Marian White
this young victoria born artist was raised on queen charlotte islands
her vibrant art is influenced by a deep love of nature
and inspired by her west coast surroundings
she calls it "silent poetry"
most of the artwork in the hallways of Craidelonna is for sale
- shipping can be arranged when need -
thank you to those who support local artists and original art pieces