Friday, February 23, 2007

reclaiming THE VIEW

the old timers here in sooke call the alder trees "weeds".....

today our "weeds" got a major clipping

thanks ben & his crew

exposing better

the Wonderful Ocean View

Thursday, February 22, 2007

sauna / hot tub luxury station - framing stages

after anxious expectations

the six person hot tub is now in place

and the sauna has found its new spot with a lot of pushing and pulling...

the framing of the deck is formed...
by nathan & tim

and the cedar arrived today....

sunRISE & sunSET views from this oceanfront luxury station are wonderful !!

Friday, February 2, 2007

resident eagles in the treetops

the eagles

have been mating ALL DAY today...

hot tub day

an eighty foot boom truck
and a batch of manpower
thanx to the bob & harold the guys at borton's spas

the new hot tub has found its way safely to its pad

the hot tub sauna by the sea begins
